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Thanks for visiting my blog! I am a leadership professor and a professional coach. I provide coaching to leaders and individuals pursuing intentional growth. And I empower leaders to take a coach approach in their roles.
I write about leadership, coaching, and personal development. You will find interesting research in my posts with lots of practical application.
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Dr. Bethany Peters, ACC
Ten Questions to Clarify Your Purpose
Purposeful living takes regular, intentional reflection to recenter, so that we can refine our decisions, our mindsets, and our behaviors. Use these 10 coaching questions to help you regularly evaluate your purpose.
How to Get Unstuck
Have you ever found yourself trapped, feeling stuck and unable to move forward?
Whether it's in your personal or professional life, getting stuck can be incredibly frustrating and demotivating. In this blog post, I will explore strategies and tips to help reignite your motivation and momentum.
Five Steps to Find the Right Coach
Finding the right coach can be a daunting task, but it’s a critical step towards greater growth if you want to achieve your goals and reach your full potential. Whether you’re looking for a life coach, business coach, fitness coach, or any other type of coach, there are a few key factors to consider when choosing the right one for you.
How to Run Your Own Mastermind Group
Are you feeling stuck or not making the progress you want in your personal or professional life? Are you looking for a supportive community of like-minded individuals who can help you achieve your goals? Consider joining or starting your own mastermind group.
Six Strategies to Cultivate a Coaching Mindset
Coaching is a powerful vehicle for discovery, growth, and change. A coaching mindset, embodied by a skilled coach or leader, is the context that encourages this journey of growth and change to take place.
A coaching mindset can enhance personal growth through self-coaching and inspire growth in others by maximizing coachable moments.
How to Recognize & Maximize a Coachable Moment
Every day we experience many possible coaching opportunities in our workplaces, homes, and schools. Taking a coach approach in any given situation is an intentional choice to apply active listening and thoughtful question-asking to strategically support someone’s growth and development. In this post, I share tips to recognize, respond to, and maximize a coachable moment.
Eight Questions to Inspire Growth & Change
The start of the year represents a meaningful opportunity to work towards new goals or a freshly inspired plan. If you’re feeling discouraged in the growth journey, or just looking for fresh motivation, find some strategies here to help you persevere.
Three Tools for Self-Reflection
Points of transition provide us the powerful opportunity to pause and reflect, to consider what’s working and what’s not. Grab some fresh inspiration and tools to help make your reflection times more meaningful and strategic.
Seven Questions to Inspire Change
How can you inspire long-lasting change?
Thoughtful, well-timed questions offer us an invitation to rich reflection and insightful discussion. Strategic, intentional questions can create new insight and opportunity for growth.
Develop Enduring Habits [Step 7]
When derailers and distractors threaten my resolve, I have to intentionally remember the importance of creating consistent habits, that this is the stage in which something you do with devotion literally becomes a part of who you are.
What barriers keep you from building sustainable habits?
Identify Winning Strategies [Step 6]
What if experimentation — to find the right combination of strategies — is an essential part of growth and change in our personal and professional lives? What if one reason we often get derailed is because we are stuck on a strategy that isn’t working?
Which combination of strategies will empower you to successfully achieve your growth goals?
Discover New Perspective [Step 5]
If you are eager for progress, it may seem natural to launch into a specific action plan directly after you have identified your growth gaps and goals. However, realize that there may be multiple strategies that would lead to the fulfillment of your vision.
What new perspective could empower your plan for growth?
Clarify Your Growth Goals
I usually know when I need to grow or change in a specific area. The signs are typically clear: I’m continually stressed out, or causing someone else to be stressed out. Or, I am deeply dissatisfied, frustrated, or not seeing progress. For me, recognizing the need for change is the easy part. The harder part is to get really clear about exactly what my specific growth gaps are.
How do you get clarity about the gaps between where you are now and where you want to be?
Build Your Community [Step 3]
In your community of friends, family, and colleagues, who inspires you to develop into the best version of yourself? Who is willing to give you honest feedback, support your growth, and keep you motivated?
When I think back on the most profound growth I have experienced, I simultaneously recall the community that surrounded me in those critical moments – friends, family, classmates, or colleagues who invested in my development.
Assess Your Mindset [Step 2]
I can recall countless visions that I have had for personal or professional growth, yet at some point my follow-through faltered. Consider, for example, the classic New Year’s resolutions that many of us set faithfully every year. Perhaps you start out with a new yoga mat, water bottle and running shoes. But three weeks later you're back to the old routines, tethered to your desk, and hunched over a keyboard, while your yoga mat gets buried in a corner of your office…
Create a Compelling Vision [Step 1]
What personal change initiative is your current priority? Perhaps you find yourself in the midst of a major change related to a career or life transition. Or, you may have in mind some important growth opportunities related to your everyday habits, relationships, and work.
What’s your process for creating a vision for the growth and change you want to see?
Seven Steps to Sustainable Change
Think of your most recent experience building a new habit. How did it go? What was most difficult about it making a new change successful? Was it the inertia of old routines? The impossibility of imagining something new for yourself? Or the terror of possible failure?