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Thanks for visiting my blog! I am a leadership professor and a professional coach. I provide coaching to leaders and individuals pursuing intentional growth. And I empower leaders to take a coach approach in their roles.

I write about leadership, coaching, and personal development. You will find interesting research in my posts with lots of practical application.

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Dr. Bethany Peters, ACC


Seven Steps to Less Stress

Unhealthy stress is a major challenge for workplaces, schools, and homes across the world. As leaders, we need proven stress relief strategies to effectively self-manage and to provide support for those around us.

Read on to learn the top research-based strategies to support healthy stress management.

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How to Support a Growth Mindset through Self-Assessment

A growth mindset inspires us to stretch and expand beyond our current capabilities. Learn how our results from self-assessments such as CliftonStrengths, MBTI, and the Enneagram, can be applied to inspire a growth mindset.

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How to Ask Better Questions

Asking questions is a seemingly simple part of our everyday conversations. However, the types of questions we ask can make a big impact in shaping our perceptions, experiences, and relationships. The topic, type, tone, and timing of our questions definitely matter.

So, what makes some questions better than others?

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How to Choose the Best Self-Assessment

Self-assessments play an important role in helping us understand and articulate our uniqueness, gain empathy for our colleagues, family, and friends, and speak a common vocabulary with teammates. The variety of options can be energizing, but it can also be confusing to understand the distinctions, and to know which assessment will help meet your specific needs.

If you are pursuing personal or professional development — for yourself or your team — consult this quick guide to maximize your return on investment.

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Tips to Take a Coach Approach

According to recent research conducted by Google, employees desire managers who can skillfully coach them— and this desire ranks as a top rated (no. 1) manager behavior.

What is your capacity for coaching others to greater growth and discovery?

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Rate your Readiness for Change

As you kick off a New Year, what resolutions have you resolved to pursue? What new intentions are you trying to implement? How committed are you to kicking old habits and forming new ones?

In this blog, I will explore five stages of change to give you a roadmap to support you in your change-making journey.

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Identify Winning Strategies [Step 6]

What if experimentation — to find the right combination of strategies — is an essential part of growth and change in our personal and professional lives? What if one reason we often get derailed is because we are stuck on a strategy that isn’t working?

Which combination of strategies will empower you to successfully achieve your growth goals?

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Build Your Community [Step 3]

In your community of friends, family, and colleagues, who inspires you to develop into the best version of yourself?  Who is willing to give you honest feedback, support your growth, and keep you motivated? 

When I think back on the most profound growth I have experienced, I simultaneously recall the community that surrounded me in those critical moments – friends, family, classmates, or colleagues who invested in my development.

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Assess Your Mindset [Step 2]

I can recall countless visions that I have had for personal or professional growth, yet at some point my follow-through faltered. Consider, for example, the classic New Year’s resolutions that many of us set faithfully every year. Perhaps you start out with a new yoga mat, water bottle and running shoes. But three weeks later you're back to the old routines, tethered to your desk, and hunched over a keyboard, while your yoga mat gets buried in a corner of your office…

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Create a Compelling Vision [Step 1]

What personal change initiative is your current priority? Perhaps you find yourself in the midst of a major change related to a career or life transition. Or, you may have in mind some important growth opportunities related to your everyday habits, relationships, and work.

What’s your process for creating a vision for the growth and change you want to see?

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