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Thanks for visiting my blog! I am a leadership professor and a professional coach. I provide coaching to leaders and individuals pursuing intentional growth. And I empower leaders to take a coach approach in their roles.

I write about leadership, coaching, and personal development. You will find interesting research in my posts with lots of practical application.

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Dr. Bethany Peters, ACC


The Genius of Energy Mapping: Try this Simple Energy Management Exercise to Transform Your Team

We often focus on managing our time, but what if the real key to sustainable productivity lies in managing your energy? Every task you take on either fuels you or drains you, and the difference between thriving and burning out often comes down to how well you align your work with your natural strengths. In this post, we’ll explore practical strategies for recognizing energy patterns, rebalancing workloads, and using tools like the Working Genius model to make smarter decisions about work.

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10 Best Coaching Questions to Spark a Breakthrough

Push past limitations and open the door to new possibilities with these 10 powerful coaching questions to help break through barriers. Whether you're a coach, a leader, or just someone looking for deeper insights, these questions will inspire clarity, creativity, and actionable steps.

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Four Questions to Build Your Confidence

When you find yourself lacking confidence, this state of lower confidence does not need to define you or derail you. In fact, confidence can be learned, practiced, reset, and refined.

The four questions here provide a simple but streamlined guide to helping you develop stronger confidence for a new task, an unfamiliar situation, an unexpected transition, or a challenging role.

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Mapping Your Path to Personal Growth: Navigating the Five Stages of Boyatzis' Intentional Change Theory

In the pursuit of personal and professional development, understanding what we should expect in a change process, and what can do to facilitate more sustainable change is critical. Intentional Change Theory, established by thought leader Richard Boyatzis, outlines five stages that create a pathway for you to pursue when intentionally seeking to bring about positive transformation in your life.

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How to Live By Your Core Values

When your actions and choices reflect what truly matters to you, you create a life that is authentic and meaningful. However, let’s be honest, living out your core values is simply easier said than done.

But, with some inspiration and a few extra measures of intentionality, it is possible! The key strategies I share here will make your work easier when you are striving to live in greater alignment with your most important values.

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Five Steps to Identify Your Core Values

Values are the broad goals and guiding principles that we want to shape our beliefs, decisions, and actions across contexts and circumstances. Values serve as an internal compass, influencing the way we interact with the world and the people around us. Identifying your values is an essential step in living a purposeful and fulfilling life.

In this blog post, I will explore what values are, why they matter, and how you can identify your own values.

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How to Explain What Coaching is (and what it isn’t)

In my conversations with leaders in various contexts, it is clear that coaching is used as a ‘buzz’ word to describe many behaviors: continuous ‘checking in’ on a person’s progress; giving recommendations and advice; and sharing wisdom from experience.

Perhaps you also view coaching as a fuzzy and hard-to-define concept. How do you differentiate coaching from other similar functions such as consulting or mentoring?

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How to Ask Better Questions

Asking questions is a seemingly simple part of our everyday conversations. However, the types of questions we ask can make a big impact in shaping our perceptions, experiences, and relationships. The topic, type, tone, and timing of our questions definitely matter.

So, what makes some questions better than others?

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Four Research-Based Benefits of Coaching

A friend of mine recently asked me to explain coaching- why would someone hire a coach? Is this like doing yoga once a week? What’s the point? Is it really worth the investment?

If you’re curious, read on to learn more about what professional coaching is, as well as several research-supported benefits…

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