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Thanks for visiting my blog! I am a leadership professor and a professional coach. I provide coaching to leaders and individuals pursuing intentional growth. And I empower leaders to take a coach approach in their roles.
I write about leadership, coaching, and personal development. You will find interesting research in my posts with lots of practical application.
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When you subscribe, you will also get a copy of my free e-book, Coaching for Change: A Guide to Facilitating Change for Leaders, Coaches, & Personal Growth Enthusiasts.
Dr. Bethany Peters, ACC
Tools to Develop a Thriving Team
Teams are fragile entities - they can be powerful vehicles for mission achievement, task accomplishment, and relationship building. But unifying and supporting a diverse group of people is a complex and challenging process.
What tools do you need to reduce dysfunction and help your team thrive?
Three Tools for Self-Reflection
Points of transition provide us the powerful opportunity to pause and reflect, to consider what’s working and what’s not. Grab some fresh inspiration and tools to help make your reflection times more meaningful and strategic.
The 2022 Gift Guide for Leaders
Find a thoughtful gift for the leader in your life … or add these items to your own wish list!
Seven Steps to Less Stress
Unhealthy stress is a major challenge for workplaces, schools, and homes across the world. As leaders, we need proven stress relief strategies to effectively self-manage and to provide support for those around us.
Read on to learn the top research-based strategies to support healthy stress management.
How to Support a Growth Mindset through Self-Assessment
A growth mindset inspires us to stretch and expand beyond our current capabilities. Learn how our results from self-assessments such as CliftonStrengths, MBTI, and the Enneagram, can be applied to inspire a growth mindset.
How to Explain What Coaching is (and what it isn’t)
In my conversations with leaders in various contexts, it is clear that coaching is used as a ‘buzz’ word to describe many behaviors: continuous ‘checking in’ on a person’s progress; giving recommendations and advice; and sharing wisdom from experience.
Perhaps you also view coaching as a fuzzy and hard-to-define concept. How do you differentiate coaching from other similar functions such as consulting or mentoring?
How to Ask Better Questions
Asking questions is a seemingly simple part of our everyday conversations. However, the types of questions we ask can make a big impact in shaping our perceptions, experiences, and relationships. The topic, type, tone, and timing of our questions definitely matter.
So, what makes some questions better than others?
Tips to Take a Coach Approach
According to recent research conducted by Google, employees desire managers who can skillfully coach them— and this desire ranks as a top rated (no. 1) manager behavior.
What is your capacity for coaching others to greater growth and discovery?
How to Build Your Creative Capacity
Being forced to innovate can be arduous and stressful in the moment. With the realization that former approaches to our work are no longer sustainable, panic and chaos can ensue.
As leaders, how can we establish consistent practices that support ongoing inspiration for creativity and innovation?
Rate your Readiness for Change
As you kick off a New Year, what resolutions have you resolved to pursue? What new intentions are you trying to implement? How committed are you to kicking old habits and forming new ones?
In this blog, I will explore five stages of change to give you a roadmap to support you in your change-making journey.
Four Research-Based Benefits of Coaching
A friend of mine recently asked me to explain coaching- why would someone hire a coach? Is this like doing yoga once a week? What’s the point? Is it really worth the investment?
If you’re curious, read on to learn more about what professional coaching is, as well as several research-supported benefits…